Note: All articles are in PDF format unless otherwise indicated.
Shoot Me While I’m Happy Book Reviews, Interviews
From the New York Times
- Jane Goldberg Taps with Hoofers
- Difficult Steps: The Tap Goddess Keeps Dreaming
- Weekend: A Renaissance for Tap, New and Old Style
- Dance, Dance, Dance, All over Town
- Strapping on Schmooze Shoes
- New Sole Sisters
- Life’s Absurdities as Seen by Practitioners of Tap
- Shoes in the Night: How the Festival Took Over Tap
- Devotees of Tap Dance Kick Their Heels
- Tap Makes Everyone Want To Dance
- Celebrating a Little-Known Influence on Art Deco
- Jacob’s Pillow to Offer the Tap, Founder Hated
From the New Yorker
From the Wall Street Journal
From the Village Voice
From the Washington Post
From India
From the Christian Science Monitor
Other Publications
- Patriot Ledger: From Typewriter To Tap Shoes
- San Francisco Examiner: On The Heels Of A Terrific Tap Session
- The Martha’s Vineyard Times
- MV Times
- The Miami Herald: Ok
- The New York Post
- New York Daily News
- Dance Magazine: Mr Glover Hits Again
- Dance Magazine: Molly Mcquade’s Piece
- Vogue Magazine
- The Philadelphia Inquirer
- The Times Picayune
- The Arizona Republic
- Intermountain Jewish News
- Tribeca Tribune
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Cleveland Plain Dealer
- Art Forum
- Dancer Magazine
- Unknown