Jane Goldberg

Tapper | Historian | Comedian

Tapilosophy: Gregory Hines to Jane

Content © Jane Goldberg. To request permission to use any text on this page, please contact janegoldberg006@gmail.com.

Gregory on Respect

Gregory Hines, born Feb 14, 1946, would have turned 70 this year. These emails, composed in the early 2000’s, are on the theme of RESPECT. In his last email to me in July, 2003, a month before I went out to visit him for the last time, had as its subject line, “Respect is so worth fighting for.” Read the emails »

A Little of Gregory’s ‘Future of Tap’

Context: Gregory Hines was 57 when he died on August 9, 2003, and toward the end of his life, he devoted a good part of his emails to the young tap dancers of the future. HE WAS ALWAYS ABOUT KEEPING TAP MOVING FORWARD. He was changing in leaps and flaps towards the end of his life as reflected in his emails.

The following , in no particular order, reflect his inclusiveness. Read the emails »

On Race Relations

Context: In this second installment of Gregory Hines’ emails to me, looking at the recent situations in Charleston, SC; North Charleston, SC; Staten Island, NY; Ferguson, MO; Stand Your Ground; The Confederate Flag; and race relations in the United States in general—I’ve probably missed some major ones—here’s some of what Hines wrote on the subject. Read the emails »

On Macs vs. PCs

Context: In addition to you, the reader, reading his “consent”, even suggestion to publish them below, I’ve opened the wonderful collection of Gregory Hines Emails to be read, inspired by, and discussed in your tap lives as you travel the world.

Note: Gregory’s email handle “Dajez” was a combination of his three children’s names: Daria, Jessica, and Zach. “Spider”, his earlier address, comes from one of his nicknames. It was also his car’s (Jaguar) model name. Read the emails »